Our brave new world - what Remote looks like at NHS

The NHS Executive Team says hello!

First days and impressions

We are all embarking on an adventure we never (until a few short weeks ago) thought we'd have to undertake. The last few weeks have been filled with learning, planning, questions, tears and smiles, as we work together to adapt to our current circumstances. It is in times like this that the strength of our community shines: our staff, students and parents have risen to the challenge with creativity and positivity. I asked staff to share their early experiences of remote learning and working - here are some comments and snaps.  Enjoy!


"My Year 8s are finding creative ways to report their presence: Here, HeRe, hErE etc - one kid did it then each kid tried to top it..."


"Eirian (cat) and I have been working hard from home, one of us more than the other. My hardest task at the moment is to stop her stealing my work chair every time I move! We are staying positive and doing what we can, when we can. Happy Term 2!"


"The best thing about work from home is saving me 2 hours road trip every day and spending more time with my kid at home. I have been enjoying the remote working method. I feel like I can do my work more efficiently. I also love to have team meetings with everyone online.

The most challenge thing is IT technical issue and unstable system. However, we are getting much better compare to Term 2 day1.

I miss all your faces already!"


"It's great to see students using the online tools, working together and asking for feedback. Its not easy; but our kids are rising to the challenge." 



Harley Hefford delivers a class use a Screencast video
Carlene Wilson 'in the classroom'
The Office team - 'funny hat day'
Harley Hefford delivers a class use a Screencast video
Carlene Wilson 'in the classroom'
The Office team - 'funny hat day'
Xanthe hard at work
Jennifer at her desk (we're jealous!)
Xanthe hard at work
Jennifer at her desk (we're jealous!)
Student work in Year 7 Design
Student work 8 English
Class communication board using Padlet
Student work in Year 7 Design
Student work 8 English
Class communication board using Padlet
Student work in Design
Student work in Art
Student work in Design
Student work in Art
A class page
A class page
Ciar Foster at work
Keeping track of student work
School entrance
Ciar Foster at work
Keeping track of student work
School entrance
Teacher, parent and children
Celebrating class birthdays
Teacher, parent and children
Celebrating class birthdays
Lincoln LeFevre with his class
Student work in Design
Lincoln LeFevre with his class
Student work in Design


We miss you! We're looking forward to when we can all be physically together again. But in the meantime, we're still connected.