Devices loaned during remote learning

In the most recent budget announcement, The Victorian Government launched the Bridging the Digital Divide initiative. This initiative is to allow students who were loaned a device during remote and flexible learning from home in 2020, to permanently keep the loaned device. 


With this announcement Staughton College will soon be returning devices to students who borrowed a device (both school and department owned). Ownership of the device will be transferred to families and are to be use for both at home and school learning. 


Staughton College is aiming to become a fully 1:1 school environment, utilising all of the digital platforms implemented in 2020, such as Google Classroom, into our onsite classroom learning.  It is an expectation that students bring the fully charged device to school each day.


This initiative is only available to students who were loaned a device during the remote learning and is a once-off initiative. 


If you no longer require the computer, you are asked to decline the offer of the loaned computer so this can return to the school for reallocation.


If you have already returned your device, you will be able to collect it from the school office at any time between 8:45 am and 4:00pm during weeks 9 and 10 of Term 1.


All families retaining devices from remote learning will need to sign a transfer of ownership form before the device is returned. A parent or guardian will need to be present to collect the device. Students will not be able to collect the device themselves. 


If you have not returned the device that was loaned, you will still be required to sign the transfer of ownership form as this is a requirement by the Department of Education. To do this you can either visit the school administration office at any time during school hours or alternatively sign and return the digital copy of the transfer of ownership form sent via email.