In-School Industry Information Visit – Childcare

In-School Industry Information Visit – Childcare


A group of Kempsey High Students interested in pursuing opportunities in Early Childhood Care and Education were fortunate to attend an informative career focus session this recently. 


Gayle Beddoe (Kempsey TAFE Campus Head Teacher Childcare) and Sam Palise (Senior Project Officer – Regional Industry Education Partnerships  (REAP) Training Services NSW) were able to provide the students with great incite on everything required to get started in a rewarding career in a growing industry. The presenters shared relevant first-hand information on topics including required training, skills and work opportunities available in our local area.


The group is looking forward to a follow up visit to the TAFE campus where they can extend their knowledge and connect with some current trainee’s and local employers.




Employment Spotlight: Early Childhood Education and Care


The Early childhood education and care employment sector is large, diverse and expected to experience strong growth over the next five years. 

According to information compiled by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee, Early childhood teacher job roles will experience the largest relative growth in the sector and child carers are expected to experience the largest surge in jobs, with a forecast of 27,600 jobs growth by 2023. 

Vocational education and training (VET) is required for a range of Children’s Education and Care work roles such as:

  • Child Care Worker
  • Out of School Hours Care Worker
  • Teachers’ Aide.