Community Notices,

Public notices or advertisements on our website and in the newsletter are  accepted in good faith but the school does not  necessarily endorse the content. A charge is made for commercial advertisement.

Basketball Team Opportunity.

There are 5 CJC girls in Grade 6 (Faustine, Lila, Victoria, Jasmine and Sophia) in the bi national programme playing basketball through Playball competition.


The team is called the Grasshoppers and needs more players. Games are on Tuesdays after school in MSAC and training on Fridays after school. Car pooling can be arranged to help with transferring the girls from CJC.


If you have a daughter in grade 5 or 6 who is interested in joining the team, please contact Isabelle (Victoria’s mum) on 04 05 807 315 


The team would love the opportunity to have girls from both the bi national and the Victorian curriculum programme join in.

Elwood College Open Evening.


McKinnon Secondary College.


Please note due to covid restrictions McKinnon Secondary College will not be holding an Open Information Night this year.

We are conducting school tours on Monday 3rd, Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th May from 9:00 to 10:00am. 

Please contact the General Office on 8520 9000 to book your place.

Soccerwise and Sportswise.

UJEB Term 2, 2021.


After School Activities Term 2.

Dear CJC families,


I hope you are well.  We are very happy to present our  program for Term 2 2021!!


Our activities start on Monday 26 April at 3.45 pm.

Registrations are open from  Monday 19 April from 5pm.

Be quick the places fill up early!!


Register go to the site : 


We wish you all a fantastic holiday. 🌸



Chères familles de CJC,


J'espère que vous allez bien. Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter notre programme pour le deuxième trimestre 2021!!


Nos activités commenceront lundi le 26 Avril à 15h45.

Les inscriptions seront ouvertes lundi le 19 Avril à 17h.

Attention les places partent très vite.


Pour vous inscrire rendez-vous sur notre site:


Nous vous souhaitons de très bonnes vacances.

🌸 ASA Team/Equipe ASA

Mobile:0481 165 218



Glen Eira College.

Creative Music at CJC.

Auburn High School.

Rowville Secondary College