Veritas - From the APRIM
Veritas – From the APRIM
Completing Initiation into the Catholic Church
Throughout Term 2 and Term 3, six Year 4s and a Year 5 undertook a Confirmation and First Communion Preparation Program with Fr William Loh OP. Congratulations to Zachary Occhiuto, Joseph DeSanctis, William Renney, Benjamin Stargatt, Tarquin Forby, Henry Kemp and Thinh Nguyen for this important step in their faith journey.
This year has been particularly special because Blackfriars had Riley (Year 6), Jordan (Year 8) and their mother Alison Hutt, Daniel Carlier (Year 7) and his sister Lucy (Year 3 at St Dominic’s) and mother Louise participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults/Children (RCIA/C). They had been Baptised into other Christian denominations early in life and decided to become Catholic. Fr William led them through the required learning over a series of classes after school. We are thankful to Fr William for his evangelisation. Congratulations to the Hutts and Carliers for this tremendous leap of faith. Blackfriars is overjoyed, particularly Fr William, who has had this privilege so early in his priestly service.
For all people who commit to Christianity, I’ll quote the theologian Fr Ron Rolheiser OMI:
“Jesus says if we follow him, the cross, pain, will find us….We could understand this better if Jesus had worded it this way: ”.the more sensitive you become, the more pain will seep into your life…Sensitive people suffer more deeply and drink in more deeply the joys and beauties of life."
I believe this is a sensitivity borne of love. God is love, so following Christ more closely enables us to love with greater intensity – that is to love creation, life, ourselves and others with greater intimacy. This intimacy opens us up to the pains and joys of others. Therefore, it is from this position of love that we can act.
For our wonderful new Catholics and anybody looking to follow Christ more closely: I wish you the greatest experiences of joy and God’s soothing love in the inevitable moments of pain.
Staff Retreat
On Friday 30 August, Blackfriars staff began their retreat with Mass celebrated by Fr William at St Francis Xavier Cathedral. This was followed by a rotation of tours through Catholic Charities. Staff learned of the fruits of our Term 3 fundraising. They have also been inspired to donate money to a disadvantaged young woman who spoke with us at Catherine House so she could get a driver’s licence, which will in turn help her get a job. Staff have also agreed to donate money and time to be Angels for a Day at the Hutt St Centre. I’m very proud of our staff for their great generosity in the spirit of the Dominican Pillar of Service.
Year 10 Retreat
On Tuesday 3 September, our Year 10 cohort had their reflection day. Sam Clear of walk4one (see ) facilitated the day, mainly through presenting his experience of walking the world to promote unity amongst Christians. He totally captivated the students with his amazing stories of survival. Sam’s faith led him to do incredible things. He told a story of his time in northern America during winter, in a small town where he was discussing with locals his survival options for the next 150km of his walk. The locals convinced him that he would freeze to death, so he agreed to take a bus for some of the journey. Sam was in the habit of spending quiet time during meals in the presence of God. He reports repeatedly being driven to take the dangerous walk – the voice of God at work – to a point where he succumbed to his faith. He took this dangerous trek knowing there was literally no town or person on the path. He developed pneumonia, his drink froze, he ran out of food, and injured his toe so badly that it ultimately required surgery. Incredibly two ‘cowboys’ came separately from nowhere over the next two days by ‘coincidence’ during his trek, so he received the food and drink he needed. As I listened, I realised he was describing a miracle. Then he described more. When he arrived in his next town, he walked past the first hotel and onward until he found the first Catholic Church. Incredibly, the priest that answered his knock turned out to be the area coordinator for Church unity! Sam’s faith in God had led him to survive and to make an incredible connection for his cause.
Sam is pictured above with a student dressed in the clothing he wore – a requirement for the incredible cold he experienced. Sam is challenging the student to unwrap a muesli bar and eat it, a challenge that was not met. Sam had to do this every 20 minutes when walking in -20 degrees Celsius.
Sam is also pictured taking students through an activity in manners. This was also challenging but very enjoyable for the students.
Made in the Image of God (MITIOG)
On Tuesday 17 September at 5.00 pm in the Fr James O’Doherty Theatre, I’ll be conducting a parent information session for parents of Years 5 - 12 on our Made in the Image of God program which is now incorporating efforts to mitigate against the adverse effects of pornography.
I’ve sent the letter attached below to families using Direqt message. Please RSVP to me via SEQTA Direqt message.
Mr Matthew Crisanti
Assistant Principal: Religious Identity & Mission