Student Services Office
Student Services Office
Year 8 Student Immunisations
Important reminder to parents/guardians that the 2nd dose of Human papillomavirus (HPV) Gardasil ® for Year 8 students where consent has been provided will be administered on Tuesday, 24 September 2019.
If for some reason you did not receive a consent form and wish your child to be vaccinated, please ask for one at the Student Services Office. If any information you gave on the original consent form has changed, please inform EHA’s immunisation staff before the date of vaccination on 8132 3600.
On the day of vaccination, it is recommended that all students being immunised wear their sports uniform which aids easy access to the upper arm area. This will save time and promote comfort to the arm area being injected. Also, we recommend that our students have a good breakfast and recess on the day of immunisation.
Year 10 & 11 Meningococcal AWCY & B Catchup Program
The school immunisation program for 2019 includes Meningococcal ACWY for all year 10 students only. Until 31 December 2019, young people aged 15-20 years old are eligible for a government funded Meningococcal ACWY Catchup Program.
Eastern Health Authority (EHA) is offering this vaccination service FREE to Blackfriars Priory School students in other year levels within the relevant age bracket. Please call EHA on 8132 3600 for further information.
Year 11 students who missed the 2nd dose of Meningococcal B vaccine (on Monday, 26 August) can go to Student Services for a consent form and Mrs Cleary will explain the requirements for the Meningococcal B vaccine catchup. Please call the Student Services Office on 8169 3912 for further information.
Metro Card Recharging
Metro Cards can be recharged at the Student Services Office on school days between 8.20am and 3.30pm.
For recharging of Metro Cards outside of the Student Services Office hours please visit Adelaide Metro website to recharge online:
Student Services Office Hours
The Student Office is open on school days from 8:20 am to 3:30 pm.
Please contact 8169 3912 or for further information.
Mrs Zoe Cleary
Student Services Officer