Sub School News

Junior School News
Year 8 Parent Information Evening: Elevate Education and AWARE (Alcohol: Wellbeing and Risks Education)
All Year 8 parents recently received an email inviting them to attend an information session on Wednesday 21st February 6.30-8pm on the topics of Time Management and Alcohol Awareness.
Year 8 students will be attending a session on Time Management run by Elevate Education. These skills will stand them in good stead for all year levels and we encourage the girls to practise them so that they become more effective learners. We would love you to hear the information so that you can encourage your daughter to use those skills at home.
During the Headstart Program at the end of 2017, students attended the AWARE Program which targeted harm reduction and education around alcohol and other early intervention tools. This program will provide you with information on how to best support your daughter through her secondary school years in regards to alcohol.
The evening will take place in the Lecture Theatre. We look forward to seeing you there.
Ms Lisa Kosack
Acting Director of Junior School
Middle School News
It has been a busy start to the term. We were excited to welcome back the Year 9 and 10 students after a relaxing break. Students have dived straight back into their school work and are enjoying their elective program. Year 10 students have begun their VET program across a range of studies including hospitality, music, beauty, engineering, equine studies and early childhood development. We look forward to a positive year ahead in the Middle School.
A reminder of the Students Managers in the Middle School if you would like to speak to someone regarding your daughter:
Year 10:
Mr Michael Warden - Surname A – MAO
Mrs Sue Cook - Surname MASON – Z
Year 9:
Ms Dolores Marie-Jeanne – 9ABCD
Miss Amanda O’Hara – 9EFGH
Work Experience
This exciting week is fast approaching (early Term 2) and students should be working hard to finalise their placements if they have not done so already. Thank you to Mrs Poulos, our Career and Pathways Coordinator, for speaking to the students about how to arrange their placements and complete their paperwork correctly before returning it to the General Office. Each year we have some fantastic stories from students on Work Experience and we look forward to the same this year. If students need support with their placement they should contact Mrs Poulos in the Careers Office ASAP.
Elevate Study Sessions
This is the second year we have been able to provide students with extra support with their study program. We have arranged for Elevate Education to run a study support session for all Year 9 and 10 students in the next few weeks. Feedback from last year’s session was overwhelmingly positive and students seemed to appreciate the extra tips and tricks provided to them in this valuable session.
Year 9: Wednesday 21st February, period 4
Year 10: Friday 2nd March, period 4
Ms Deb Jarvis
Director of Middle School
Senior School News
After a beautiful summer vacation we welcome parents and students to the 2018 academic year.
The Year 12 Conference took place on the 31st January and 1st February. The Student Managers of 2017 and 2018 organised many activities and speakers. Students should be able to reflect on the messages they received over the two days and employ some changes to the way they approach their studies to potentially improve their final results. They were surveyed and their reflections have been positive. I hope your daughters have been able to share their experiences with you.
This week MGSC held our Swimming Carnival. This is the first of a number of major school events the Year 12 students will be enjoying for the last time. Dressing up in house colours, chanting house chants, swimming in events that they have never swum in all the years they have been at school and supporting their house mates and Captains made for a wonderful day.
As in the past, the Year 12 students are allowed to purchase an alternative to the school jumper. The VCE Committee has met to discuss and begin the process for this privilege. We are hoping that all students will continue to wear the school uniform appropriately so that they will be able to receive the jumper without delay.
It is pleasing to see the VCE Students using the VCE Centre to study during their study periods, before and after school. We have publicised that the Centre will be open from 8am in the morning until 5.30pm most school nights. Students will be notified if there are any changes to this arrangement.
Ms Sylvia Christopoulos
Director of Senior School