First Aid

Immunisation Dates for 2018
Parents and students of Year 7 and 10 please note the following immunisation dates for 2018. Immunisation cards have been distributed. Extra cards can be collected from the First Aid Office.
Friday 16th March:
YEAR 7: HPV (1st dose) and Boostrix
YEAR 10: Meningococcal
Monday 15th October:
YEAR 7: HPV (2nd dose)
If you have any queries, please phone Sue or Lina, First Aid Officers, on 9581 5234.
Oral Medication for Students
All prescribed medication should be provided to the First Aid Office in a container that gives the name of the student, reason for the medication being administered, dose and time to be given. The name of the medication should be clearly marked. Medication will then be stored in a locked cupboard and accessed by the First Aid Officers when required by students.
Students are not to carry medication in their bags or store it in their lockers.
Please note that the First Aid Office does not provide analgesics (i.e. paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen etc). Analgesics will only be dispersed to students if they are provided by parents/guardians as above.
These instructions are in accordance with The Department of Education and Training - Victoria (DET) First Aid Policy.
Sue Gravina & Lina Mansour
First Aid Officers