College Matters

School Council Elections 2018
Mentone Girls’ Secondary College are calling for nominations for Parents to join School Council. Nominations will close at 4pm on Monday 19th February. Nomination forms can be collected from the General Office or can be emailed to you by contacting Prue Tarpey in the General Office.
Introducing MGSC’s Wellbeing Team
The MGSC Wellbeing team comprises (from left to right): Leona Thomson (Student Wellbeing Coordinator), Christine Fay (Student Wellbeing Officer), Carol Duggan (Assistant Principal) and Melissa White (Psychologist). The team meets weekly to discuss our wellbeing programs across all year levels, including projects, policies, events, student involvement in promoting wellbeing, staff professional development, case management and assessments.
Safe Travel Reminder
Could parents please reiterate the importance of safe behaviour around our local railway stations. We have been contacted by concerned members of the community who have observed some of our students running across the train lines rather than waiting for the pedestrian safety barrier to open.
It's Not OK To Be Away!
A reminder that students should aim for an 100% attendance record. They are expected to attend school regularly and remain at school and in class until officially dismissed. If Year 7-10 students are absent, parents/guardians are asked to log the reason why on Compass (through the parent portal) before 9am.
If VCE students are absent, parents/guardians are required to contact the VCE Office on 9581 5231 before 9am and update attendance on Compass. If contact is not made on the day of absence, an explanatory note must be brought from home on the day the student returns and handed in to the VCE Office for VCE students. All notes should be written and signed by a parent/guardian and must clearly show the student’s name, form and date of absence.
Uniform Update
1. Blazer pockets
Most families will recall we have had a two year transition to the new MGSC logo on our uniform. Our uniform supplier, Costume World, have had further enquiries about obtaining new blazer pockets, despite the cut-off date being October 2017.
Unfortunately the blazer manufacturer is not able to make another small production run of pockets. Costume World have found another manufacturer who is willing to make a small run as long as a preset minimum amount are ordered. The pockets will be available in one shade only.
If you still need a new pocket, please call Costume World on 9584 7006 to register your interest by 28th February. They will let you know the cost of purchase and/or the cost for their tailor to sew the pocket on your blazer.
PLEASE NOTE: This is the final time this service will be offered. Any student who does not have the new logo pocket after this will be required to purchase a new blazer with the correct logo.
2. Summer Shorts/Shirt
Many of our students are opting for the MGSC summer shorts and shirt option instead of the summer dress. Our students have appreciated having the freedom to choose their preferred uniform option.
3. Winter Trousers
Costume World will soon update us on the availability of MGSC winter trousers. Students wishing to wear trousers in winter instead of the skirt will be required to pre-order the MGSC trousers (with logo). Those students currently wearing plain navy trousers will be able to continue to do so until the end of 2018. From 2019 onwards, only MGSC trousers (with logo) will be able to be worn during winter. We will update our community when the new trousers will be available for pre-order. Keep an eye out for a Compass Newsfeed.
4. Second-Hand Uniform Shop
Due to the changes to our uniform, our Second-Hand Uniform Shop will have limited supplies of uniform items to sell as they no longer will purchase or sell items with the old logo.
Library Opening Hours
The College library is open for students and supervised from 8.30am to 4.30pm every school day. Students are welcome to use the library for quiet personal study during these times before and after school. At 4.30pm the library will be locked and unavailble to students.
Information and Policy Guide
Upon enrolment at the school all students and parents are given a copy of the Information and Policy Guide and asked to sign the page acknowledging that they have read it. Last year a number of key policies were updated and approved by School Council. There were some key changes to the policies regarding attendance and uniform. The updated document can be found on the Polices page on the website:
Parents and Friends' Association (PFA)
The Parents and Friends’ Association is a friendly organisation comprising every family in the College. The parents support a range of activities across the school. Meetings are held once or twice a term and are open to all to attend. The first meeting for 2018 is the AGM on Tuesday 6th March at 7pm in the staffroom.
The PFA also provides the much-valued service of the Second-Hand Uniform Shop, which is open 2.45-3.45pm on Tuesdays and 8.15-9.15am on Wednesdays. If you are able to volunteer your time to help out in the shop, please contact Donna Harrison on 0421 782 123.
Carol Duggan & Bronwyn Moline
Assistant Principals