Principal's Report

End of Term Three

How did we get to end of Term Three so quickly!

What a fabulous term we have had so many great events around our school - The Great Chiko Roll mystery, Fathers' Day breakfast, swimming, 3-Way Conferences, 100 days of Foundation, House Athletics, author visits, book parade - an amazing term of some wonderful events that make RPS the great school that it is. A big thank you to the teachers and parents for the involvement in making these events such successes.

On Friday September 22nd at 2.30pm, we will end a very busy Term 3. Please make sure your pick up arrangements are adjusted for this earlier finish. Term 4 will commence on Monday October 9th.

I wish all children and families a great break and look forward to seeing everyone back and refreshed for Term 4.

Curriculum Days 2018

Each year schools receive four student-free days (when student instruction does not occur) for professional development, school planning and administration, curriculum development, and student assessment and reporting.


The first day of Term 1 each year is a designated student-free day in all government schools to allow for appropriate planning to take place for the arrival of students.


Three of the four 2018 student-free days have been confirmed at school council last night.


Curriculum day dates 2018

Monday 29 January – state wide

Tuesday 30 January

Monday 16 April

Monday  16 July


2018 Term Dates

Term 1 -  29 January (school teachers start) to 29 March

Term 2  - 16 April to 29 June

Term 3 -  16 July to 21 September

Term 4 -  8 October to 21 December

Planning for 2018

We are approaching that time of the year when we start to plan our school structures for 2018. I am looking forward to welcoming a relatively larger cohort of Prep children for next year and am thrilled with the wonderful reputation that each new parent talks about when coming on a school tour.  If you are leaving the school at the end of the year, please let us know in writing at the office. If you haven’t enrolled your child for school next year please complete the forms and drop them into the Office.

Farewell Hayley (ROSH)

It is with sad news that I share with all families that this term is Hayley's final term with ROSH. Hayley has made the difficult decision to leave ROSH and pursue other career opportunities.

We thank Hayley for all of her work over a number of years and wish her all the best in her next stages of life.

I'm sure the community will join me in thanking Hayley at assembly on Friday.

Lost Property

A reminder to please ensure that all items of clothing and lunch boxes are clearly named. We are seeing quite a lot of items being sent to the lost property area, please encourage children to check the lost property if an item is missing as well. Items will be placed outside on Friday for collection, any unnamed items will be washed and sold from the second-hand uniform stall.


A reminder that as per the school SunSmart policy children need to be wearing their hats for all outdoors activities.  Thank you to those children who remembered their hats this week.

Responding to cold and flu season

During this time, it is important to remember three key steps to keep your family happy and healthy. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has advised that there is an increased rate of influenza reports throughout Victoria. Schools are also reporting higher rates of students affected by influenza. Parents may wish to consider getting themselves vaccinated next year.


How can our community respond best?

All schools should consider the following important points when responding to students affected by influenza:

1. Students with cold or flu-like symptoms should be encouraged to seek medical attention, limit contact with others and stay at home until symptoms have passed.


2. If a child becomes ill at school with these symptoms, the school will contact the family and arrange for the collection of the child.


3. Good general hygiene remains the best defense against infection. Our community should encourage children to regularly wash their hands and cover their nose and mouth if sneezing and coughing.


4. One of the most important ways to reduce the spread of disease and keep everyone healthy is with proper handwashing. Earlier this year, the Department of Education partnered with DHHS to launch the Clean Hands curriculum resource and the complementary Soapy Heroes campaign, promoting hand hygiene. Hopefully our cold and flu season will start to dissipate as the weather becomes warmer.

LOTE @ Ripponlea

Is your child interested in learning another language?  We have Greek lessons running in the school library on Tuesdays 5-6.30pm

All students welcome! The lessons are tailored to beginners of any age - no previous experience necessary.

Please contact Tina Arumugam on 0411 773 840 if you are interested or drop into the library on Tuesdays after 5pm to meet our fantastic teacher Angela.


We have limited spots available for term 4 so get in quick!