Political Action

 Board Race Results!

by Jennifer Dempsey, Political Action Chair


A big thank you to all volunteers! We will hold a drawing of the PRIZES mentioned in the previous Appleseed at our November Rep Council meeting. OGEA had a total of 30 members who precinct walked and/or phone banked/wrote postcards at an OGEA organized event in support of endorsed candidates. When our members take the time to reach out to registered voters, it matters!


Elections for Trustee Areas 2, 3 and 5 of Oak Grove School District are wrapping up. Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters must certify its results, and submit the information to the board of supervisors by December 6. There are enough ballots cast to declare results for areas 3 and 5, Jorge Pacheco, Jr. and Brian LoBue will represent their respective trustee areas. In TA 2 Tami Moore has held a narrow lead for most of the reporting period, however, the outcome is too close to call. At this time Moore has 15 more votes than her opponent, Diego Martinez. The SCCRV is 98% finished counting votes from throughout the county.


Our PAC is able to support local elections like the recent school board races, as well as parcel tax measures. Our schools, along with many schools in California, are underfunded.


If you would like to get involved to help pass a parcel tax in Oak Grove please contact Dominic Rizzi president@ogea.org  or Jennifer Dempsey,  jenniferyehdempsey@gmail.com.


In solidarity,

