
Bargaining Update

by Bob Prola, Bargaining Chair

Bargaining has concluded for the 2018-2019 school year.  Please make sure you vote on the contract ratification. We were able to make improvements in the area of evaluations.  In compensation, we allowed the district time to work on their budgetary problems. However, we did sign a parity clause that ensures OGEA will receive an equivalent pay increase if any other district employee gets one this year.  


Bargaining for next school year will begin in March. Look for updates and surveys to start coming out in January and February. The whole contract is able to be opened for next year, so please give us your feedback about what could be improved.  OGEA is a democratic organization and we need your input.


While curriculum is outside the scope of bargaining, OGEA may soon be asking your opinions about district provided curriculum.  Our goal is to use our influence as a union to inform the district what we, as teachers, and our students need in order to be successful.


Bob Prola

Ledesma Elementary