Student leadership

Vic SRC Student Voice Hub
Students interested in finding ideas, inspiration and resources to help you take action as a leader at MGSC are encouraged to join the Student Voice Hub, part of VicSRC. The Victorian Student Representative Council (VicSRC) is the peak body representing school aged students in Victoria. VicSRC is a student run, organised and initiated organisation run for the benefit of students. Follow the link to join. Student Voice Hub
Membership is free.
Student Voice Week
From 11 to 15 is Student Voice Week, being run but the Junior School Leadership Team. Activities are being run every recess next week. For every session students come along to, they will receive a raffle ticket. Come along each day and get more tickets. The raffle will be drawn on Friday.
Wendy Harvey
Director of Student Leadership
Peer Support 2020
Application forms are now available for any current Year 9 students to consider being a Peer Support leader in 2020.
Peer Support is an integral part of the cross age work at MGSC where Year 10 students regularly interact with our youngest students in the school in their first year. Leaders are assigned a group of students with each group establishing it’s own identity to creating a culture which is friendly and supportive and to develop a sense of trust. Leaders have an important responsibility to establish agreements created by the group as a starting point. The Peer Support program is designed to provide support between groups of junior students with trained senior leaders. The training and working with students in a mentor role also gives Year 10 students the leadership skills and opportunities for self-development. Peer Support leaders will also have the opportunity to attend part of the Year 7 Camp in Term 1.
Forms are available from Middle School Office and are also available from the Compass Newsfeed.
Leona Thomson
Wellbeing Coordinator