Careers and Pathways

Girls in Property
Fifteen of our Year 9 and 10 students participated in the Girls in Property program on Tuesday 29 October.
The day began with a welcome from the leaders of the Property Council of Australia, ARUP and Lendlease, the organisations that organised the event and hosted us for the day. Students learned about the property lifecycle and the development of the Melbourne Quarter Project (a significant property development in the Docklands area close to Southern Cross station.
After a delicious morning tea students participated in a group Master Planning activity where they planned the layout for a new property development. They discussed things like where to put housing, schools, open spaces, shops and other services. There was a panel discussion with some young guns that are working in the property industry where they described what a typical work day for them was like and students had the opportunity to ask questions about their jobs. After a fantastic lunch out in the sunshine on the SkyPark (a beautiful parkland area on the first floor of the building!) students were given a tour around the ARUP and Lendlease buildings to hear from and chat with people that work in the property industry including the Makers lab (3D printers), Sound and Lighting Engineers, Experimental Lab (DriveSim and Shake/Motion table), and also spoke with landscape architects, development managers and the marketing team.
It was a terrific day that our hosts put an enormous amount of effort into arranging that provided our students with a greater understanding of the property lifecycle from Planning, development and design through to construction and leasing.
Karen Garton
Careers and Pathways Coordinator