Sports News 2019

Lawn Bowls

Have you or your family got any unwanted lawn bowls sets that you could donate to our school?

We are in desperate need of lawn bowls sets, as lawn bowls is a NEW sport that is being introduced into our district’s winter sport in 2020.

We need the sets to hold try outs at PPPS with our current year 4 and 5 students and to train with next year in preparation before the event.

If you have any LAWN BOWLS sets or know of any one who has, please contact Julie Gatt at Plenty Parklands or email

Congratulations Ben

Over the weekend Ben competed in the whittlesea city little athletics combined events carnival and he came 1st in his age group under 7 boys. He was very proud of his achievements.  He was finally awarded his champion sash by two elite athletes who will be competing in the next summer olympics.