Class News

Library News

Students are again enjoying our wonderful Library space. 

Tuesday and Wednesday are Library days when students borrow from our vast collection of fantastic books, which is constantly being updated and added to.   We have a wishing box for book suggestions that students would like to see added to our library.

The Learning Hub / Library space also offers lunchtime activities on a Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtimes,  where students can spend time building Lego,  drawing, beading or just sitting around having a chat.  We also have a knitting club ( a couple of Dads are about to get a pink fluffy surprise to add to their wardrobe).


Mrs Ann Nicola

YEAR 3 & 4

Learning About The LAW

This term the Year 3 and 4 children are learning about ‘Civics and Citizenship’.The unit explores rules and laws, who makes them and how they affect us.

Children are thoroughly enjoying the work and have asked many interesting questions.

As part of the unit, the children (and teachers) were so fortunate to have two amazing guest speakers Adam Dawson (Grace's Dad-Police Prosecutor) and Matt Fisher (Belle’s Dad -Barrister) come and share their work and and answer many questions from the classes.

Both Adam and Matt spoke so well and the children gained valuable information.

We would love to thank Adam and Matt for making time to visit the classes and bring the unit to life. Thank you!

Cathy Busch

Year 4 Teacher

Harvest Time at St James!

Last year a group of children took on the responsibility of creating a vegetable patch in the school grounds.

Pia (Year 5), Grace and Siena (Year 4) teamed up to plan, resource and plant a variety of veggies in the planter box near the play equipment.

Over the holidays many people came to water the plants and helped them grow. Thank you!

Last week, the first crop of radishes were picked and eaten.

Well done girls on a great school project. The radishes were yummy!


Cathy Busch