Principal's News

It is not hard to think about Ash Wednesday when we have seen recently burnt houses and bush.   With the changes in the seasons there is to be renewal, a bursting back to life despite the vast destruction. Next Wednesday we commence the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday, a time to reflect on how we can continue to understand the call for renewal in preparation for the holy season of Easter.  


The challenge for us and as it was for the early Christians is that we need to reinterpret the Gospel message every year in order that it is purposeful and meaningful for today. 


This was similar for Jesus who was endeavouring to interpret the law of Judaism and make it relevant.  He did call into question the attitudes of the day and fell into conflict often. 

Jesus was into a journey more than mere stability.  He was into a discipleship more than group belonging.  He moved to the edge of Judaism and tested the comfortable ideas and laws of the day.   This is a requirement of the Church leadership today. However as Fr Barry posed the question last Sunday, "What am I going to do before we ask the question of what others are doing, in order to engage in a deeper way with the Gospel message".

As we enter the period of reflection, may we find the time to be still and let God fill that space for us to be moved to a greater acceptance of the other, to extend our love to others. May we not be stuck but grow.


Getting Ready to Learn

In the past three weeks the teachers have been in a ‘getting ready to learn’ phase with their classes.  This time allows for the building of relationships with children, forming a bond between each other.


School commencement - Feedback

As we head toward the end of week 4, I am interested  in your feedback about how the school year has commenced for your child.  In particular for any new families, how was the transition in the final weeks of 2019 and the transition to the 2020 school year.  Information will support our school improvement plan.


A google doc will be sent tomorrow to all families  and I look forward to hearing your response. The google docs to be sent will be addressed to the 1) new families and 2) existing


School Closure

On Friday the 6th of March, the staff will be engaging in a professional development day with St Finbars at St James.  Both schools are continuing with the Smart Spelling professional learning which commenced last year. This school direction is aligned to our Annual Action plan.  This day is a school closure day for children.


New Staff Member

As was mentioned in the first school newsletter for 2020, Mrs Nat Dodds will not be returning to St James for Term 1 as was planned, as she is now preparing for the birth of her second child.

 We are pleased to announce that Mrs Amanda Joplin will be joining the Senior team of Mrs Emma Herbert, Miss Sarah Contin and Miss Sarah Black.  Amanda will be teaching the Year 6 class on Wednesday and Thursday.

 Amanda is an experienced teacher having taught at St Joseph's Black Rock, St Joseph's Singapore,

St Joseph's Springvale, Life Education Victoria and Haileybury College.

Amanda's appointment now completes our staffing and we are very fortunate to have a wonderful group of teachers.


Child Supervision

A reminder that child supervision before school commences at 8:40am.  Children at school before this time should be placed in OSHClub.  A number of children are at school as early as 8:00am.  The safety of our children is important and early arrival places them in an unsupervised environment.


Year 5/6 Camp

Next week the Year 5/6 students are away in Melbourne for three days for a city experience trip on a school trip.  Many thanks to Mrs Herbert, Miss Contin and Miss Balck for their organisation and to Carmelina, Olivia, Karlee, Georgia and Ann for planning and preparing the Y5/6 experience.


Under the Sea

All is in readiness for one of the best nights of the year this Friday.  To our new families please come along and join in the festivities. Many thanks to Michelle Thomas, Sarah Webb and the Year 6 parent community for what promises to be a great night.



Sally and Tim welcomed their son into the world yesterday.

Callum was born on Wednesday 19th February weighing in at 4.65kgs.

Both Sally and Callum are doing very well and Eve (Year 1) and Grace are very thrilled to be big sisters.

Wishing your family every happiness.


New Families

In the past week we have welcomed two new families to our school.

George B - Foundation,  Annabelle B - Yr2C,

Olivia B - Yr1 and Grace B - Yr2.

Financial Assistance - Information for Parents

The Victorian Government provides the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) which assists with payments for eligible students to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.


Who Can Apply

Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply.  A Special Consideration category also exists. Schools can receive applications from families over term one and two.

CSEF application forms are available from the school office.


For further information please go to the attached link
