Community News

Emmanuel College Update
In very exciting times, Catholic Education Melbourne have permitted the early release of enrolment offers for Year 7, 2022. They were distributed electronically to families on Tuesday this week. Please read the documentation carefully for instructions on what to do and which forms need to be returned. If you have any questions about this, please contact the College Registrar by email; or call on 8325 5119.
This year we have connected some of our Year 11 students with old-collegians who work in the field where our students wish to build a career. The program, called Nexus, has been very successful, even though the adversity of COVID restrictions. The students have developed wonderful mentoring relationships with people who are experts in their field. Not only has this given the students an insight into a career, but, in many cases the relationships have had added experiences and benefits for the student, such as invitations to seminars, visits to workplaces (pre-COVID) or the provision of materials. The students have loved the experience and the mentors have found it very rewarding. We have mentors supporting the students from the fields of; medicine, policing, pharmacy and commerce, we will be looking to continue and expand this project in future years to take in many more fields of work.