Student Well-being

Spotlight: Prep Community
Topic: Bravery and Kindness
In Year Prep we have been learning about ways to be brave inside and outside the classroom.
We went out onto the playground to learn about taking turns when playing with our friends. We learned how to use our words appropriately and how it is important to use kind words.
Sometimes it is really hard to be brave, but we are trying our best!
Inside the classroom, we have been playing partner Math's games where we have been learning to take turns and dealing with the outcomes. If we lose we have been trying really hard to say ‘good game, better luck next time’ or ‘congratulations!’
Born to Shine Program
Topic: Problem Solving
In our 'Born to Shine' wellbeing groups this week, students learned about solving problems in a tactful and proactive way. We discussed that sometimes we feel angry/worried because we are faced with some kind of a problem or something where it is hard to know what to do.
The 'Stop, Think, Do' strategy is a helpful tool to use, as it avoids us acting on impulse and allows us to think through our response.
STOP: STOP, don’t rush in. Use your calming down strategy. What is the problem?
THINK: What are all the things you could do?
DO: Which one of these would be best? Try it! How did you do? If it didn’t work, try something else.
We acted out different scenarios and practised using the 'Stop, Think, Do' strategy. We now feel more confident in our ability to solve problems in a proactive and fair manner!
Haylea Anderson
Student Wellbeing Leader