10 Update

Yes… and?
In the study of Drama, namely improv and theatresports, actors are often asked, ‘Yes… and?’ Essentially what this means is, how do we accept the problem that is presented to us and what do we do with it?
At their first face-to-face forum this term, the Year 10s were asked to consider what they had learnt from their time in isolation about the world and education. Some reflections highlighted how big the world is yet how, simultaneously, we can find a sense of community; others noted how human interaction is a necessity and how ‘alone time’ makes you confront different aspects of yourself. When it came to education, some noted how greatly one needs to WANT to learn to get through something like online learning; that ‘teachers are impacted too’ and that there are many ways to define success.
The next reflection will ask students to consider what they have learnt about themselves and others and what we DO with the learning.
This line of questioning merges Science and Arts processes as well as reveals how innovation and change takes place. Further, in having the courage to question our own inner learnings throughout isolation, we can transfer these processes to the change we might want to see in our own lives.
With the DP Early Commencement starting for our Year 10s on Monday 9 November, these series of workshops across forum and electives times (where we’ll be fortunate to also have Bronte’s expertise) I hope will clarify for each individual what they want from their time at school as well as what supports they need to meet their own personal and academic goals.
Year 10 Media can of course also use their documentary films 'Exploring My 5k Radius' and 'What Is It Like To Return To School?' to refine their thoughts.
Kate Ellis
Year 10 Coordinator