8 Update

It's been heartening to see the halls and grounds of Blackhall Kalimna come alive again over the past week as our Year 8s made their return to school. Students spent their first morning reacquainting themselves with the campus by joining in on a Taskmaster-inspired challenge, solving riddles to find rooms, searching the gardens for awe-inspiring examples of nature and performing impressive sporting feats under the new Cage roof.
While eager to step back into the classroom, the period of online learning was not without its rewards for the 8s, using the time at home to hone their independent learning skills and flexibility. This culminated in a wide display of creative Interdisciplinary Unit presentations, seeing students compose original songs, design new instruments and score movie scenes. It was a fitting way to mark the end of a digital term and celebrate the pursuit of creativity. As for much of the state during the last few months, the time out of the classroom turned our attention inward, allowing us to reflect on work/life balance and how we find time for ourselves when the separation between school and home is less obvious. During Forums we set up a 'Self-Care' Padlet, a wall where students could connect with each other and share their hobbies, interests and suggestions for activities to help 'disconnect'. Aside from my less-than-perfect attempts to learn piano, students excelled in baking, skin-care routines, volleyball skills, and - most importantly - sharing adorable dog photos.
At first glance it seems as though things have picked up exactly where they left off, but I wonder what new ideas, skills and approaches will shape the final term of learning, and what we will take with us from the last period of online learning. Already the Year 8s are preparing for their Individuals and Societies 'War and Conflict' exhibition which will take place using AR technology, creating a digital exhibition space mirroring the way much of the world's museums and galleries have embraced new technologies over the past few months. As we head into the final few weeks of the year, I look forward to seeing where this blend of the old and the new takes us, as we enjoy stepping back into Blackhall Kalimna but with a new perspective.
Chris McDuff
Year 8 Coordinator