Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Kitchen and Garden Update

I was a little too hasty putting zucchini seedlings out into the wicking beds before the holidays and consequently lost them all to the snow!  Next year I’ll know better!


We still have tomato, cucumber, chilli, lettuce, beans and peas in the greenhouse, almost ready to go out into the garden (and I’ve restarted a few zucchini).


It was great to see the students back on Wednesday.  It’s lovely to see the garden come to life and see everyone enjoying such a beautiful space.  The rain has worked wonders - everything looks fantastic.


We got through quite a lot of jobs too.  The chooks enjoyed a thorough clean out of their house and water tubs and a couple of armfuls of silverbeet.


We fed and mulched the citrus trees, did some weeding and planted out a few seedlings.  A sprinkle of rain during the afternoon should see them settle in nicely.


Happy Gardening.


Cooking with Artichokes

This week in kitchen, we'll be using artichokes. Definitely something a little bit different for students to try. Looking forwarding to their responses and how they will be received! It's all a good learning experience!

Some preparations have begun to use them in this week's cooking class. Students will also have the opportunity learn how to prepare them for cooking. In the pot below, artichokes have been boiled with lemons, bay leaves and garlic, before marinating in olive oil, white wine vinegar, parsley, garlic and chilli flakes.