Junior School Learning

Prep/1 News

What a fantastic first week back! Mr. Lindsay and Mrs Fletcher were so excited for the return of our Prep/1 students. There was some nervous energy initially but once students realised it was ‘business as usual’ everyone settled quickly and go to work. It was brilliant to see students reconnect with their peers and to witness the conversations about who lost a tooth, who got a new pet, which remote learning lessons were a favourite and which games they’d missed playing with friends.


We want to thank parents (again) for the support and patience that was offered to our students during the remote learning period. For many it wasn’t an easy time, but it has been reassuring to see our Prep/1 students return to formal learning with confidence and having made progress. 


Let’s make the most of the next 10 weeks!


Year 1/2 News

Students revised their learning about the Zones of Regulation through a book called ‘The Colour Monster’. They learnt to connect different feelings to the different coloured zones (blue, green, yellow and red) and to identify strategies to help them get back into the Green Zone for optimal learning, behaviour and well-being. The aim of the lesson was to teach students to become more aware of their emotions and become more independent in managing them.


We are so amazed at how amazing every single 1/2 student has settled back into school after remote learning. Thank you so much parents for supporting us throughout remote learning, it really shows how hard everyone has worked over this time! We are so excited to finally all be back in the classroom together for our final term of the year. 

Junior Science 

Slime! What a way to finish off remote learning, massive thank you to all the families that assisted your budding Scientists to make and explore during remote learning. Especially when they made a mess (hopefully they helped to clean it all up). Super excited to have students back in the classroom ready to be “change detectives” in Term 4.