Religious Dimension

Our Gospel Challenge this week is to.....          

 "Look out for those that are on their own at break times".


Over the last few weeks, the gospel texts have dealt with issues of being prepared, staying ready, and using our gifts well. In some ways, all these themes culminate in today’s 

text (Matthew 25:31–40). This gospel presents us with the bottom line! Are we judged worthy of a place in the kingdom? The criteria for being judged worthy are very clear—it is how we have served those most in need. This is what will count. If we do not see Christ in our brothers and sisters in need, then our faith is blind and will not lead to the kingdom. 


During his life, Christ was not a king in a political or autocratic sense. Far from it! The subjects of his kingdom are called to service with the marginalised, the poor and the powerless. 

• How does our community engage in this service? 

• How might we and our families become involved?


By this time of year our minds are often already in the next year. There are only a handful of  weeks before we slide into summer holiday mode, and a new liturgical year is about to begin too. All at once we are in a period of beginning and endings. It is time to take stock, to turn back to what is most important and Advent helps us to do this. 


This coming Sunday we will celebrate the First Sunday of Advent.  Advent is the beginning of the church’s liturgical year.  The season of Advent is concerned with ‘waiting’ for the coming of the Christ child. This weekend we will begin the cycle of readings for Year B in the Lectionary. This means that most of the gospel readings are taken from the Gospel of Mark throughout the year.


The Advent wreath is one way of preparing for Christmas. The circle of greenery is a symbol of God’s love without beginning or end, while the candles represent the four weeks of preparation time. One candle is lit each Sunday during Advent.


Let’s be attentive to the time we spend in waiting— in traffic, in a shop, on the phone, to cross the road. Let’s use these small moments of waiting to focus on and prepare ourselves for Christmas. 

Ready Set Pray

The ministry of Children’s Liturgy of the Word assists children to celebrate and reflect on the Sunday Gospel reading in an age-appropriate way. Ready, Set, Pray! Children’s Liturgy of the Word @ Home video series is a new resource from Proclaim: The Office for Mission Renewal and has been created to provide an engaging space for families to encounter Jesus through the Sunday gospel. Each weekly episode runs for 15-20 minutes and includes an invitation for families to create and gather in their own prayer space, to sing, hear the Gospel, pray and respond creatively through an activity. This weekly resource can be used by families in their homes.

St John's Parish

St John's Parish will be welcoming more parishioners back to weekend masses next weekend. Please book online or call the Parish office for more details. Remember that Father Dispin will still record Mass each week for parishioners unable to attend the parish. It will be on the Parish Website along with the weekly Parish newsletter.


Monica O'Shannassy