From The Assistant Principal


School Council recently approved the Curriculum Day for this term to be on Monday 16th November. Teachers will use this day for reporting and moderation against the Victorian Curriculum Standards.  This a pupil free day. Should students require care, parents can contact Out of Hours School care to make a booking. 

To secure a place in the program please email



Last Thursday, the parents of our new preps were invited to an online information evening. Even though we couldn’t meet in person, it was lovely to see so many faces and have the opportunity to welcome new families to the Murrumbeena Primary School Community. Transition for our new preps is looking a little different this year as 2021 preps will be involved in WebEx lessons for their first two sessions. Hopefully as Victoria’s restrictions continue to ease, we will be able to hold the last two transition lessons at the school. 

Prep Transition sessions will be held on the following days:

  • Friday 6th November (WebEx)
  • Friday 20th November  (WebEx)
  • Friday 4th December  (to be announced)
  • Friday 8th December (to be announced)


I would like to thank the numerous parents who have already settled their 2020 school accounts.  Last week we sent home statements for the 2020 Parent Payment, Excursion and Swimming levies. As this is an unprecedented year, teachers are still fine tuning activities for the final six weeks of this term that will incur costs. Late November we will post excursion levy details outlining expenses. 



It was so lovely to see our teachers acknowledged by the school parent and student community for the wonderful job they do on World Teachers’ Day. The smiles and gratitude from the teachers as they received cards and flowers from their students was priceless. Thank you to our parents for encouraging the children to show they care. The brilliant parent-teacher-student relationships were strengthened this year due to remote learning and our challenge now is to enjoy continuing these productive partnerships. 



Teachers have been monitoring the lunch eating and have found that younger students need longer than the 10 minutes supervised time provided. Therefore, students who have not finished their lunch, will take their lunch box outside to a quiet area near the canteen to finish eating. This area will be supervised to ensure that when the children finish eating, they wash their hands before going off to play. 



Each class has a round tub which is taken outside near each class line up area. The purpose of the tub is for students to place items they no longer need during the lunch break. For example, if a child gets hot and takes off their jumper, they place it in their class tub. Drink bottles taken outside are also kept in the outside tub for easy access. At the end of the play break, classroom monitors bring the tubs back inside. 



Determining class lists for the following year is quite a lengthy and considered process. On occasion, parents have particular requests when considering the most suitable class for their child. For example, social and emotional issues and friendship groups. We are NOT able to take requests for particular teachers as staffing for the following year is not finalised until much later. Parents must make their request in writing and email it to the school at later than Friday 14 November. 

Parents often mistakenly assume that because they have emailed the school in the past about their child’s placement in a class, that the school will consider that same request again. This is NOT the case. Students mature and change so previous requests become null and void. Parents must consider their child’s needs on an annual basis and if a specific request is still requiring consideration, then parents must notify the school in writing. 



It is crucial to our planning to have accurate numbers of students at each year level. This determines our ability to staff the school and plan for the required number of classes. If you have plans to relocate to another area and/ or enrol your child in another school, please advise the school as a matter of courtesy as soon as your decision is known (again, it helps with managing staffing and resources).


Rochelle Plumb