Head Start Program

Year 11 and Year 12 students in 2021

Head Start is a worthwhile opportunity for our students to engage in a range of activities that equip them with an insight into their 2021 subjects and explore their learning style through goal setting and various activities.  Our senior Head Start Program commences with virtual presentations for our VCE and VCAL students on Friday 27th of November.  This is a compulsory activity for all students as important information will be addressed:

  • key skills and knowledge
  • in depth explanation of each outcome
  • assessments
  • teacher expectations
  • requirements of the subject

Monday 30th November sees the onsite Head Start program begin where students will engage in:

  • formative assessment activities
  • learning style investigations
  • goal setting
  • preparation for next year

This Head Start program will finish on Friday 4th December.