Assistant Principal's Page 

Paying it Forward

We are all living in such difficult times at the moment, not being able to see family and friends and the constant juggle of our work and supporting children with their learning. 

It is sometimes hard to stay positive and optimistic, so I am lucky to live in a community where many people are ‘Paying it Forward’.  I am really enjoying reading the comments on our community page where people are so genuinely grateful for the kindness that others are showing to them.  These kindnesses have involved notes in people’s letter boxes with a chocolate bar saying, "we know things are tough", or somebody paying for a person’s coffee who is in the line behind them.

‘Paying it Forward’ means doing something nice for someone without the expectation they will return the favour.  This could involve a phone call to a friend or relative, a child reading to a younger sibling or helping out at home without being asked.

There is tremendous power and positive energy in giving. Random acts of kindness make us feel happier and more in control, and they also help people overcome feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Teaching children about kindness is especially relevant in these challenging times. Loneliness and isolation are real issues, and asking children to be kind and focus on others will help them find safe ways to connect with others and make a difference.

Teachers often talk to their students about how they can “Pay it Forward’, but it's also something that parents can discuss with their children.  Here are some ideas -

How to Pay It Forward? 

  • Look out for the opportunities.  Life will provide you with numerous opportunities to pay it forward.  You only have to be.....
  • What are some ways you could be kind to your family or friends?
  • Give freely without expecting anything in return.
  • Even small acts count. It doesn’t matter so much how much you give. All that matters is that you are willing to give and...

“We make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give.”  Winston Churchill

Carol Wyatt  -  Assistant Principal