Students of the Week 

August 24th, 2021

Mia H (Prep C)For your happy and enthusiastic attitude towards all of your learning during remote learning. Thank you for inspiring others to have a go and to have fun with their learning too!
Emrys L B (Prep B)For always bringing a positive attitude and uplifting energy to all your learning and our classroom. Well done Emrys!
Narasi G 1AFor writing some beautiful poems during our poetry unit in online learning. You are always extending yourself and working toward your goal. Well done Nara! 
Abigail B 5B For displaying exemplary work habits and for staying motivated and maintaining a positive attitude during online learning. We think you are amazing! 
Ollie P 5CFor his commitment to his learning. We love the questions you ask to ensure you are on the right track. You make the most of all the opportunities on offer. Well done. Ollie!!! 
Ella W 6AFor her consistent commitment to her learning. She always goes above and beyond in everything she does. But most of all, for her kind heart. We just adore you, Ella!
Willow K 3AFor her active participation in all remote learning tasks. I love the way you always put your hand up, interact with your peers and submit your work to such a high standard. Your teachers are very proud of you!

August 30th, 2021

Elliot M P 4AFor his excellent Dreaming Story about a Kookaburra and its laugh! It was amusing to read and had a lovely moral. He also wrote an extremely mature and compassionate letter to victims of the stolen generation. Well done on your efforts, in particular in discovery this week!
William V R 1EFor consistently completing all home learning tasks to a high standard in your book. It has been wonderful seeing your hard work in all curriculum areas. Your poems have been very creative and you worked extremely well during our maths money tasks! You’re a star William! 
Aarav K PDFor his enthusiasm and positivity during home learning. He always tries his best and takes on challenges happily. Well done, Aarav. You’re amazing! 
Vinnie O’K  PAFor his continued persistence at home and at school. Well done, Vinnie. We love how you always try your hardest and have a go! You are a star!
Harper S 5CFor her consistent commitment to her learning. She always goes above and beyond in everything she does. But most of all, for her heart warming chats in morning meets with Harry! You’re a star, Harper.
Oscar B 5AFor his persistence and hard work ethic during remote learning this week. We love how you always put your best foot forward. You’re amazing, Oscar.
Jonah C 6CFor showing fabulous leadership during online learning as he is always willing to support and guide his peers in a respectful and supportive manner. Well done, Jonah! 
Lucas M-S 3BFor contributing so enthusiastically during class meetings and putting his best effort into every home learning task. Well done Lucas, you are amazing!