Year 7 and 8 Math


In Term 2 and 3, we have had groups of year 7 students regularly meeting with eMentors from RMIT and La Trobe University.  This has given our students an opportunity to meet like-minded peers, discuss areas of interest in Maths and Science with those currently in the field, and find out about future studies and careers. 


Victorian High Ability Program – Maths

This year, we have had 3 groups of year 7 and 8 students participating in a weekly Maths session through Virtual Schools Victoria. This program has allowed students to extend their understanding of mathematical concepts, as well as improve their problem solving and critical thinking skills. Students have met other high achieving students from around the state, and worked with their peers at school.


Australian Maths Competition












Students across all year levels took part in the Australian Maths Competition on August 11, 2021. The competition tests the students’ ability to problem-solve, and apply their Maths understanding to unfamiliar examples. Well done to the 80 students who took part, and thank you to Mr Pompe for coordinating the competition. 


Maths Support

Many year 7 & 8 Maths classes currently have either in-class or small group support, from our MYLNS and Tutor initiatives. Further classroom support will be allocated in Term 4, based on student need and staff availability. 


Supporting Maths learning at home

  • Keep a positive mindset - Everyone can achieve growth in maths, and everyone has a ‘maths brain’.
  • Think about where you use maths in your everyday life - most people use maths to estimate; time, distance, cost, etc.
  • Fight the fear - Avoid letting your past experiences of maths learning affect your child’s experiences.