Level 4

Level 4 News

The year 4 classes have been busy this week writing letters to people at the Vermont Aged Care Nursing home. We have been working on how the letter should look, followed by editing and fixing before the finished product. Every student from year 4 has put their letter in the post office or at the Nursing home gate. We are sure they are going to love all the letters and beautiful pictures to brighten their time in lockdown.

Some examples of the beautifull letters written
Some examples of the beautifull letters written
How to fold an envelope
How to fold an envelope
Envelope is addressed
Ready to post
Envelope is addressed
Ready to post


Year 4 has done a fantastic job online, making sure to attend the Class Webex every morning and completing set tasks on Seesaw. Your teachers are really proud of all your efforts during this challenging time and look forward to seeing you back in the classroom as soon as we can! 

The Level  4 Team