Specialist Report - PE
Physical Education | Visual Arts | Performing Arts | Italian | STEM
Specialist Report - PE
Physical Education | Visual Arts | Performing Arts | Italian | STEM
Grade Prep-2 Communities
In Term 3, the junior students began the term by moving their body in different ways like a Gymnast would. They responded to different directions like the way different animals may walk and balances and holds they may be able to do with their body. This is extremely important for our children to learn so that they build strong muscles to help them with everyday tasks. The junior students are learning about the Australian Football League (AFL) and soccer sports. These skills are very skill specific, but yet very similar in that they both need hand/eye or foot/eye coordination and ball handling skills. Some of the skills they have been learning to practise include the drop punt, handball, chest mark, soccer kick, dribble and shooting the ball.
Grade 3-6 Communities
In Term 3, the grades 3-6 students have been becoming familiar with learning the skills, rules and game play strategies within AFL, Soccer and the National Rugby League (NRL). Due to our current circumstances, the students have had a strong focus on reflective questions to help use when able to play a match. Things they may have reflected on include: moving to clear space when too many team mates are near the ball, calling out for the ball when your team has possession and putting pressure on the person with the ball so it makes it harder for them to pass to their team mate successfully. We have also made comparison between the three sports and looked at what may be similar and what is different between them.
Grades 3-6 Athletics Day
After three attempts on the date (due to lockdowns), three venue changes (impacted by COVID) and some rain, we conquered our second AHPS grades 3-6 athletics carnival. These students travelled to Willinda Park, Greensborough athletics track and competed in many track and field events. It was a great to see lots of our students giving things a go and trying their best.
On Friday, we had our virtual athletics presentation which was postponed due to the rain on the day then lockdowns. Thank you to Nikola and Estelle (our two pre service teachers), as well as Deep, Robert and Charmaine (our parent helpers) for assisting us with the day. Thank you to all staff for their support also. Well done by all students. What a success it was!
Final House Points:
1st -Green House 1680 points
2nd -Blue House 1551 points
3rd -Yellow House 1349 points
4th -Red House 1348 points
Congratulations to Lacie and Anika, along with our Green House for taking out the trophy for Athletics 2021.
Our first place winners will now have the opportunity to compete in District with all the other Craigieburn schools. This date has been postponed to Monday 11th October at Meadowglen Athletics Track. These students will be notified with more information by the end of the term (depending on where we are at with Victoria's COVID situation).
National Health and Physical Education Day
Next Wednesday the 1st of September is National Health and Physical Education Day. To celebrate, all teachers have been encouraged to include a health or PE spin on their lessons throughout the week. Stay tuned to your Specialist Stream for more things that will be happening that week once confirmed!
Alannah Maugeri
Physical Education and Sport Coordinator