Ulysses Community Report
Dear Families of Ulysses community,
As we are at the end of Term 3 we just want to take a moment to thank, not only the students but parents and guardians for your support during remote learning.
We appreciate the hard work and resilience our Ulysses students have shown and constant willingness to learn. We are grateful to those that are always on our video calls and participating in focus groups. Every student should be proud of themselves during this time. We, as teachers are all proud of you as you keep pushing through every obstacle that comes your way.
We are certainly looking forward to seeing each and every one of you when we are back onsite!
In Literacy, the Ulysses community is working on drafting, editing, and publishing a letter and email. The students have been writing letters and emails to different people, including family members or friends they may have not seen in a long time and Rachel, our Acting Principal about changes they want to see in the school.
Students had to research the parts of a letter and parts of an email and then draft up a formal letter to Rachel about the changes they would like to see in the school and why these changes are important to them and their peers.
Here are a few examples:
In Numeracy, the Ulysses community have been focusing on Geometric Reasoning. The concepts of Geometric reasoning have been taught and the students have shown their learning by drawing a robot with angles.
The students worked on comparing angles that were equal to, greater than or less than a right angle. They also were able to describe and compare angle sizes in everyday situations. Finally, the Ulysses students were introduced to a protractor, so they would be able to measure the size of angles.
The Ulysses community have been focusing on wellbeing for our SEL lessons. We have been identifying strategies to help us cope by being in lock down by completing journal entries twice a week. Students write goals that they want to focus on for the day, say how they are feeling and what might be worrying them. This is a great way for the teachers and students of the Ulysses community connect together.
Our whole school focus for our SWPBS is ‘caring for others’. Even though we are learning online, we have still been focusing on the school values and ways we can adapt this online.
Below is an example of an activity that Ulysses students have been part of.
“Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.” —Anthony J. D’Angelo
Important Notes to Remember.
-Please ensure that all clothing items and water bottles have student names on them so they can be returned
-Please ensure all students are at school no later than 8.50am each day so they do not miss out on important information during mentor sessions
-Students are encouraged to bring their iPads to school daily
-The Ulysses home reading and spelling program began towards the end of Term 2. Students are to complete this throughout the week. Students must bring their blue reading satchel and diary to school daily
- Blue satchels and diaries are available at the office for purchase. They are $10
-Encourage students to bring a fruit/vegetable snack each day to eat during brain food time. We will continue to promote healthy eating at school.
-Encourage students to practise tying their own shoe laces daily