Xenica Community Report
Term 3, 2021
Xenica Community Report
Term 3, 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians of Xenica,
At the end of Term 3, we would like to thank each and every family, for all of your effort and time spent supporting your child through remote learning. Since our last newsletter, we have continued to see students build their resilience during this difficult time. We appreciate that everyone is caring for their learning and is adjusting well to remote learning. We love to see all of the amazing pieces of work. We all look forward to going back onsite and seeing you all face to face soon.
In Reading, we have focused on fluency, punctuation, comprehension, nouns, adjectives and verbs on a weekly basis as they are important skills to master when reading. Students have focused on developing their fluency skills through reading; at a good pace, with high word accuracy, the punctuation and using expression. Students have also continued to demonstrate their understanding of the texts that they are reading by answering comprehension questions. They have been using evidence from the text to support them with answering the comprehension questions in full sentences. These are skills that we will continue to focus on throughout Term 4.
In Writing, we have continued to work on our information reports. Students have researched different animals and have written about their appearance, habitat, diet and life cycle. Students were also exposed to the writing process, where they had to plan, draft, edit and publish their work.
In maths, we have been learning about partitioning numbers from tens to hundreds. We used MAB blocks to help consolidate our learning. Once we were able to partition our numbers we created some monsters using the MAB blocks.
Social and Emotional Learning
In Social and Emotional Learning, we have been working on caring for ourselves and caring for others. Students have explored how to care for their sleeping patterns and bodies. Students have also shown random acts of kindness and worked towards filling other people’s buckets.
In Inquiry, students have been focusing on living things. Students have grown seeds and documented their progress.
Important Notes to Remember