
We made it!!!!

A HUGE thank-you goes out to our amazing parents, teachers and students for your commitment and enthusiasm during a very difficult term. Once again, we have shown what resilient, committed, amazing families we have at Aitken Hill Primary School. 

Thank-you, on behalf of all the teachers at Aitken Hill Primary School. 


The Craigieburn Library will be offering a Click and Collect service throughout the holidays, which will be great for borrowing books over the holidays. The link is below.


Thank-you for your support of the Book Fair and Book Club. The rewards we earn are used to purchase books for the library, so thank-you. Issue 6 is still open for order for anyone interested – please keep an eye on Compass Notifications for updates. 


Stay safe over the holidays, and we are looking forward to (hopefully) seeing you all soon. 
