Mathematics 3186

Mathematics 3186

Dear Parents and Carers,


Maths At Home Tip


The School Holidays are here!  Cooking at home can always be a fun experience and it involves using lots of  maths :)


Get children to read instructions, measure ingredients, and ask questions about the maths involved. Let them explore the numbers, while being rewarded with a tasty treat! Extend this to maths in the veggie garden as you grow ingredients. Explore: Measuring and quantities, time, fractions, estimation, temperature






Your child now has taken home access to Mathletics, a targeted, rewarding and captivating online learning resource, which is aligned to curriculum standards. We have put together an easy to follow collection of support resources to make using Mathletics at home as simple as possible for both parents/guardian and your children. 




Classroom teachers will be assigning students activities to be completed. Teachers will inform your child which activities they wish them to complete.  In the interim we invite you to login into Mathletics using your child’s login details and explore the Mathletics website. If your child does not have their details as yet, please rest assured that they will be bringing them home in the coming week.


One of the features of Mathletics is the Live Mathletics Dashboard.  When in Live Mathletics students challenge others around the world from the pool of students currently online. To make sure the race is a fair contest, students are only matched with those on the same ranking. 

If there are any concerns with logging in please email either your child’s classroom teacher or myself.


Carmelina Corio

Numeracy Leader