
House Cross Country
Congratulations to all students who completed the Cross Country event last Wednesday 16 May. Although it was a cool and wet under foot type of day, the enthusiasm amongst the Years 7 to 9 students was infectious.
Some notable runners include Freya Brown who came first the for 13 years old runners with a swift time of 10.59, followed by Chloe Shannon in 2nd and then Maya Buhl in 3rd.
Hope Maillard won her 14 years old age group with a time of 11.37 followed by Malia Callaghan and then Charlotte Agombar. Angel Caris 12.01 won her 15 years old age group followed by Sienna Lee and then Poppy Livings.
The 16 years old age group was won by Millie Belleville with a speedy time of 9.55, Delaney Rawlings was the winner for 17 year olds and Eleanor Karahasan took out the Open Age group.
A big thank you those year 10 Sports Coaching students who were assigned various jobs and competently completed them without an issue. And to the staff who supervised around the course.
Students who have qualified went onto represent the College at the Beachside Cross Country on Tuesday 22 May.
Beachside Cross Country
What an impressive group of 50 students keen to represent the college at the Beachside Cross Country Carnival at Karkarook Park. The students took their place in the team with pride rugged up and ready to run at the best. Although the cool breeze was blowing a gale for the majority of the day, their spirits were raging. The day kicked off with the 17 years old and Open students represented by four of our students – Charlotte Collins (7th), Delaney Rawlings (6th), Eleanor Karahasan (10th) and Emilie Templin (3rd).
The 16 years old age group was better represented with Millie Belleville finishing 1st, Timara Logan coming in 2nd, Daisy Walker in 6th place , Anni Doorey in 9th, Ailish Byrne in 10th and Tereza Nebesky in 11th position.
Sienna Lee completed her race in 3rd position for the 15 years old age group. Mackenzie Scott coming in 6th overall for the 14 years old age group followed by Poppy Livings in 7th, Lucy Belleville in 8th and Hope Maillard in 9th overall.
The 12 to 13 years old runners were well represented with Freya Brown in 2nd position overall.
A big thank you to Miss Emma Milliken and Mrs Becky White for accompanying the team and for parents/guardians or grandparents for coming to support the team. Students who have qualified for the SMR Cross Country event will be notified shortly.
Ms Ilana Parker
College House and Carnivals Coordinator
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