Performing Arts

House Music
Thank you to everyone for making this year's House Music Competition a great success. It was fantastic to see you participating with enthusiasm and supporting your Houses. The Senior House Captains, Music Captains, Soloists, Ensemble Directors and Accompanists all did a wonderful job. It was great to see all of the hard work pay off.
I would like to thank all of the staff for their participation and enthusiasm. In particular the PE staff for being flexible with their space, the IT staff and Gerry Van Den Berg for helping to set-up, and the music staff for their assistance and flexibility throughout the House Music preparation. The final results were: Kenny 113, Mackellar 112, Jackson 110 and Melba 98.
Our guest adjudicator, Rob Farnham, was extremely impressed by the House spirit and the high quality of all of the performances. The high quality of the performances made it very difficult for him to pick a winner, given that the sole responsibility of scoring this competition rested on his shoulders.
Although I myself have no allegiances in this competition, as a Jackson member, I would like to congratulate Kenny for their outstanding performances. Their creativity and individuality paid off.
Well done!
Mr Tim Veevers
Director of Performing Arts
MTC Scholarship
Congratulations to Year 10 student Tereza Nebesky who has been awarded a 2018 Betty Amsden Youth Scholarship Course at the Melbourne Theatre Company. Each year 25 14 to 16 year olds from across Victoria get the opportunity of a life-changing week of intensive drama workshops at MTC in the July holidays. We know that Tereza it going to have a fantastic experience. Well done.
Mr Geoff Perks
Drama and Theatre Director
A Midsummer Night's Dream
VCE Theatre Studies students annual production is this week. Twenty students are performing 32 roles in of one Shakespeare's most popular comedies of lovers, actors and fairies in a forest. The play runs until Saturday 26 May at 7.30pm in the Nina Carr Theatre. Tickets are $10 & $8.
Hating Alison Ashley
The Year 10 production of 'Hating Alison Ashley' - a book, movie and play - will have two performances next week at 7pm on Thursday 31 May and Friday 1 June in the Nina Carr Theatre. Entry is by a gold coin donation.