College Matters

From the School Council
This is my second year on the Mentone Girls’ Secondary College Council. My daughter Maisie is in Year 9 and I too attended MGSC as a student from the mid 1980s through to early 1990s. This year I was nominated for and accepted the role of Vice President of the School Council.
Our School Council President, James Malliaros and I, with the support of our Principal Linda Brown, have been very busy these last few weeks inviting and hosting visits from local members of parliament from all parties in both lower and upper house seats and across State and Federal roles.
We will continue this activity well into June and are excited to be able to showcase our amazing school as well as discuss some of the issues we are facing with regards to government funding for building works.
As always it is a busy time of year at MGSC with many things going on in all areas of our school - a snapshot of examples include:
- We have welcomed many new staff to the school as well as our new Business Manager, Ms Kelly Lloyd-Vanni, who attended her first School Council meeting last week.
- Selected Year 7 students visited their former primary schools to talk to prospective students about transition from primary to secondary school.
- Year 7 and 9 students showcased all their heard work at the Famous Women in History Expo’ and the My Migrant Story Expo.
- MGSC hosted Singfest and welcomes students from the Ubuntu choir from South Africa.
- We had a very successful Open Night which was well attended and the student leaders did a wonderful job presenting their College to the wider community.
- Four of our school Aerobics teams made it through to the State Finals including our Year 12 team who managed to get up very early after the VCE Ball.
- Our All Star Choir and Madrigal groups performed at Monsalvat Festival.
- Two year 11 students participated in the Model United Nations Assembly.
Along with the many new parent members on School Council this year I am proud to be able to support the initiatives of our Principal and her Management Team.
Ms Rachael Angus
Vice President
Winter Uniform
A reminder that the end of the transitional period is one week away. From Friday 1 June only the winter uniform can be worn.
Host families needed
Nakamura High School students will be visiting our school in term 3. This is part of our Sister School relationship where MGSC students visited their school in 2017. Homestays will be required for a mixed group of about 15 students in Years 10 to 12. Hosting a Nakamura High School student is open to students in all year levels. For further information or to express interest in hosting student please contact Mrs Petra Witt via email
Mrs Petra Witt
Exchange Visit Coordinator