School Information

General Office
8.15 am to 4.15pm
Monday to Friday
Tel 03 9581 5200
Principal Team
Principal - Linda Brown
Assistant Principal - Bronwyn Moline
Assistant Principal - Carol Duggan
Director of Junior School - Jackie Mathews (Acting Term 2)
Director of Middle School - Deb Jarvis
Director of Senior School - Sylvia Christopoulos
Attendance & Absences
Students should aim for an 100% attendance record. They are expected to attend school regularly and remain at school and in class until officially dismissed.
Year 7-10 absences: Parents/guardians use Compass to log when and why before 9am.
VCE students absences: Parents/guardians contact the VCE Office on 9581 5231 before 9am and update attendance on Compass. If contact is not made on the day of absence, an explanatory note must be brought from home on the day the student returns and handed in to the VCE Office for VCE students. All notes should be written and signed by a parent/guardian and must clearly show the student’s name, form and date of absence.
Late arrival - after 8.50am
Years 7-10 must sign the arrival book at the General Office and take the white late slip to class.
VCE students sign in at the VCE Office.
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Open during the term on:
Tuesday 2.45pm - 3.45pm
Wednesday 8.15am - 9.15am
Reimbursement after sale of items is by bank transfer. Cheques are not issued.
Please label all items for the second-hand uniform shop clearly with:
- Seller's name and contact details
- BSB and Account Number
Hand into the Office.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Carolyn Page, Finance Manager.
Uniform Supplier - Costume World
Shop 5 1291 Nepean Highway, Cheltenham
T: 9584 7006
Library hours
8.30am to 4.30pm, school days
Facilities Hire
Many of the schools spaces are available to hire including the gym and lecture theatre.
For information on hire rates and availability, contact Bronwen Petersen, Facilities Manager
on 9581 5200.