Education in Faith 

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Last Tuesday, our Year 3 children took part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was a lovely evening where the children reverently either received the Sacrament for the first time or a special blessing.  It was wonderful to come together as a faith filled community to support our children with this important milestone in their lives. All our prayers and blessing are with them at this special time.

Congratulations to Ava, Primrose, Isaac, Tanya, Charlie D, Max, Jemima, Avana & Isabella who received the Sacrament.



Palm Sunday

In the Bible Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey surrounded by crowds of people, waving palms and branches, who shout out “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!”  "Hosanna! Hosanna!" Jesus  is treated as a King.


The Last Supper

Little did the disciples know that the Passover meal would be Jesus’ last meal on earth. What an experience to sit with our Savior and witness breaking the bread and pouring of wine, symbolizing Christ’s sacrifice for us. In this season leading up to Easter, be encouraged and reminded of Christ’s incredible love for us and ask how am I being called to sacrifice myself for others. 


Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. Jesus was worried about what was going to happen to him, and he prayed a ‘Big Question’ prayer to God. We all have big questions about life. Christians believe that God is also willing to listen to our questions, even our angry, painful ones. 


Good Friday

Jesus is taken to Pontius Pilate to be tried and sentenced. The people of Jerusalem said he was guilty of many things but Pilate thought he had done nothing.  In the end he went along with the crowd even though he didn’t think it was true.

Sometimes we make judgements about each other, but Pope Francis says “Who are we to judge each other?”

The only person that can judge us is God. 


Jesus carries His Cross

Simon from Cyrene, helped Jesus to carry his cross. There are lots of people in our lives who we can provide a ‘helping hand’ to in the same way that Simon helped Jesus. Who could you help with an action, letter or kind words? It might be something really small, but it might make a big difference. 


Good Friday

On the cross Jesus cried out “Forgive them, Father! They don’t know what they are doing.”

Even as He was dying He asked God to forgive those who had put him to death. 

A time of Waiting

Easter Sunday will be celebrated with a special Prayer Celebration  on the return to school.


On Friday 7 April at 9.00am the school will begin the day  with a Holy Week prayer service in the Padua Pavilion. Each class has been reflecting on and preparing to present a part of the Holy Week story.  All families are most welcome to join us.



Loving God, we give you thanks for all that you have done for us through your Son, Jesus.  

May we remember His example, and go out into our school community and be an example of your great love. 

We ask this prayer in Jesus’ name.



Margaret Carlei

Faith Leader