Deputy Head of College News

Mr Bruce McPhee

Exams – Is your son ready?

Often when we reach this time in the term, boys tend to fit into a range of “types” regarding their exam preparation and readiness:

  • I have been preparing since day one of the term and I am totally ready for this
  • I will study in the two weeks prior and will be totally ready for this
  • I will stress in the week prior and hope that I am ready for this
  • I will panic the night before and try and take in everything in a few hours in the hope that what I read and retain will be exactly what is on the test
  • What do you mean I have an exam tomorrow?

Our teachers have been encouraging the boys to revise their work from the start of the term, but will also have provided classes that do have exams with targeted revision.  I would encourage you to ask your son to show you what revision has been set and throw a few questions his way based on the revision to see what it is he knows and can retain.

Regardless of what type your son fits, any and all boys can get anxious around exams and assessments. Our SchoolTV page has a section on “Exam Jitters” that I commend to you should your son show signs of anxiety around exam time.  Please click on the following link for information on scheduling, productive study, the importance of physical activity and eating well and articles on managing exam anxiety.

Hats Available at the Uniform Shop

For our Year 6 and 8 students who are expected to commence wearing their formal hats from the start of Term 2, I am happy to inform you that these hats can be purchased from the uniform shop over the next few weeks.  Please check uniform shop times and drop in with your son to try on a hat, or you can buy a hat online and the ladies in the shop can double check sizes when your son goes in to pick up his new hat.


We also have a new shipment of wide brimmed hats for students to wear while playing sport or during breaks if they are active during this time.  These can also be purchased online.  The uniform shop offers an embroidery service so your son’s surname can be shown on the back of the hat.  This does take up to a week so if you want a new hat ready for the start of Term 2, now is the ideal time to purchase.


As we get closer to the end of the term, we have a number of boys whose hair is at a length that does not follow our uniform policy – particularly regarding the length of their fringes. If your son’s hair goes below his eyebrows when brushed forward, or sits over his collar, please organise for him to get a haircut as soon as possible.

Masks on Public Transport

All boys catching public transport need to ensure they are wearing a mask.  Please ensure your son has a mask with him for this purpose should he need to catch a Brisbane City Council bus to or from school.  The fact some of these buses leave from the school grounds does not diminish the need for boys to wear masks while travelling.