Champagnat Trust Sports Lunch

Champagnat Trust Sports Lunch

In 2022, the Champagnat Trust “Sports Lunch” celebrates its 18th year. Held annually at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, the Sports Lunch welcomes over 1,000 guests to an afternoon of excitement, generosity and community spirit to raise money for the Champagnat Trust Bursaries.

2022 Event Details

Date: Friday 20 May 2022 

Time: 11:00am – 4:00pm 

Location: Great Hall Brisbane Exhibition and Convention Centre Glenelg Street, South Brisbane 

Tickets: $225.00 each     I     Table of 10 $2,250.00 

Inclusion: Two-course lunch with 5-hour beverage package 

2022 Sponsorship Opportunities 

Naming Rights – to be agreed

  • Full naming rights for the event on all promotional material including Facebook event name, promotional flyers, invitation, on Facebook cover photo, event description and tickets.
  • This package includes posts on the Facebook event, on the events Instagram account as well as on the College website and social media platforms
  • On the day benefits include the company name and logo on venue directional signage, opportunity to bring banners to the event and the pre-event VIP function, verbal acknowledgement during the event and a stand-alone sponsor slide throughout the event. Opportunity for product/collateral placement on each table, inclusion of items in the raffle or auction, company name and logo on the front cover of the event program.
  • Platinum table of 12 guests to the event and invitation to the VIP pre-event function

Platinum Table Sponsorship ($5,500)

  • 12 x tickets to the Champagnat Trust Sports Lunch
  • Invitation to the pre-event VIP function
  • Three-course lunch
  • 5-hour premium beverage package
  • Gift for each guest
  • Table in a premium location
  • Logo placement on the event webpage with a link to your business page
  • MC acknowledgement at the event
  • Logo placement on digital screens at the event
  • Inclusion in social media marketing campaign prior to the event

Major Sponsorship – $1,000

  • Company will be acknowledged as a Major sponsor on all promotional material including on the Facebook cover photo and Facebook event description.
  • This package includes posts on the Facebook event, on the events Instagram account as well as on the College website and social media platforms
  • On the day benefits include verbal acknowledgement during the event, inclusion on sponsor slides throughout the event and inclusion in the event program. 

Minor Sponsorship – $500

  • Company will be acknowledged as a Minor sponsor on all promotional material including on the Facebook cover photo and Facebook event description.
  • Company will be thanked during the evening’s formalities as a Minor sponsor.
  • This package includes posts on the Facebook event, on the events Instagram account as well as on the College website and social media platforms
  • On the day benefits include verbal acknowledgement during the event, inclusion on sponsor slides throughout the event and inclusion in the event program

Sponsor or donate a raffle prize

Donate an item or sponsor the cost of a specific raffle prize. Your company will be named as being responsible for the prize on all promotional material prior to the event and on the day.


Please contact Ellen Kassulke at with any event or sponsorship queries. The committee is incredibly thankful for all support of the Champagnat Trust Sports Lunch and look forward to welcoming you to another wonderful event in 2022!


Thank you to our sponsors for making the day possible!


Beverage Sponsors


Platinum Table Sponsors


Courier Sponsor

Auction Sponsors

Raffle Sponsors


Keep up to date with announcements, updates and details of the day and follow us on Instagram at and Facebook at