From the Principal's Desk

Dear parents and carers, 


Thank you to all our families for their response and support regarding the decisions that affected the operational status of our school due to the severe weather conditions. While I'm pleased to share there was minimal damage at school, my concerns were more about the ability for staff and families to travel on the roads affected on the days we were non-operational; everyone's safety was priority. 


Parent Teacher Interviews

Shortly you'll receive information on how to book for the Parent Teacher Interviews scheduled for Wednesday 30 March 2022. All interviews will be conducted face-to-face in 10 minute intervals at the school hall. It will provide parents an opportunity to talk one-on-one with your child's classroom teacher and work together to create an educational plan for 2022.



A sincere thank you to the 2021 P&C committee Lisa; Bassingthwaighte-Fogarty, Jess Trott, Vicki Sweet, Jess Dennis, Terri Langendam and Jess Dennis for another wonderful year during some very challenging conditions.  We're lucky to have a strong committed group of parents who volunteer their time to ordinate and ensure various activities and events are made possible for all our students. 


Congratulations to the 2022 P&C committee who was voted-in at last week's P&C's AGM. 


P&C Executive 2022

President: Lisa Bassingthwaighte-Fogarty

Vice President: Jess Trott

Vice President: position held over until the next meeting

Treasurer: John Wiley

Secretary: Tara Hesse


Other P&C Positions

Uniform Shop Volunteers: Jess Dennis, Jess Trott, Bec Brown and Laura Aboozaid. 


Can I please encourage all our families to support our amazing P&C team throughout the year with all their fundraising efforts as many hands makes light work. 


School ENEWS - School Calendar

All parents and carers need to install the school's ENEWS app on their mobile. We use the app to share instant messages about our school, online payments can be made through the app and most importantly the school calendar is accessed through the app. 


School's Upgrade and Refurbishment 

The school's upgrade and refurbishment will continue in the April break with several approved projects ready to be built. Some of the projects scheduled for the April break will be the installation of our new walkways, the external timber doors will be replaced with brand new aluminium doors and the school's football field will be turned into two smaller fields with the installation of two sets of combined footy goal posts.  It's been a mammoth effort coordinating and managing all the components associated with each upgrade or refurbishment. To see what we've achieved so far please navigate to the "Some School Projects from June 2019 - 2022!" in this newsletter. 


To say there has been a lot going on is an understatement, but our thoughts are with those who have been affected by floods, COVID-19 and/or the current conflict in Europe.


If you can choose anything to be in this world, be kind!


Thank you again for your continued support. 


Stay Safe

Mrs Kocovska
