School Events

Coming Soon

What is The Big Vegie Crunch?


The Big Vegie Crunch is a fun health promotion event to help our community UP THE VEG. Our school will be taking part from 28 March-01 April 2022 with the The Big Vegie Crunch  (part of Vegetable Week)  on Thursday 31March.


Primary schools across NSW will be joining together to break the record for the most students crunching vegetables:

- 50,260 students crunching simultaneously (2018 record)

- 14,991 students crunching at other times over Vegetable Week (2019 record)


What can you do to help?

• Pack a container of vegetables (not fruit this time) for your child to eat on Thursday 31March {or insert alternative day/date}

• Remember to keep serving up the vegetables at home and in your children’s lunchboxes. Check out the UP THE VEG at Home resource for ideas



Mrs U

Vegetable Week School Coordinator