Assistant Principal's Page

From Bree's desk.....

School and Home- Partners in Learning

Although it can be very challenging amidst the busy lives we all run, setting up simple routines for homework can make a big difference to your child’s learning as they progress through school.  The purpose of homework is to reinforce concepts taught at school, which helps build confidence and mastery of foundational concepts.  Not only does it support their progress in literacy and numeracy, homework routines also encourage independence and responsibility.  Remember:

  • Read for at least 15 minutes every day and encourage your child to take pride in keeping their reading log up-to-date. 
  • Support your child to complete any assigned homework relevant to their year level (e.g. SMART spelling practice) and return it to school on the appropriate day. 
  • Read the weekly level posts through Compass. These will keep you up-to-date on learning in the classroom so that you can engage your child in discussions about their learning, and make real-life connections where possible. 
  • Encourage your child to access digital platforms. These can be great tools to reinforce foundational skills in a fun and engaging way. Speak to your child’s teacher if you need login details sent home again. 
  • We are in this together! Your classroom teacher will always be happy to answer any questions about your child’s learning. Please email to organise a time to meet if needed. 

Harmony Week 

Harmony Week celebrates our nation's diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds.  It is all about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.  These are values we certainly regard highly at Croydon Hills Primary.  It was wonderful to see so many students and teachers wearing something orange to show their support on Tuesday.  There have been a range of engaging classroom activities happening all throughout the school.  Please visit the Wellbeing & Culture page for more detail and photos.

A huge thank you to Zoe Webster and Claudia Michielin for organising and facilitating a wonderful lunchtime activity throughout the week  - making Harmony Day bracelets.  This was very popular with many students!

Bree Jennings  -  Acting Assistant Principal