
Wall design by Naomi and Caitlin

Welcome back to the Library in 2023!


The school library is a wonderful hub of learning and discovery where all students are welcome. Other than offering books, computers and resources, the library is a safe space where students are encouraged to think, create and share information with their friends. Respect for other library users and the resources is something we value at our College. 


Thank you to all the families who have donated their old text books and stationery to the Welfare library - We've Got Your Back program. These resources have helped so many students at Doncaster Secondary. 


We still take donations at any given time of the year.


We actively promote reading for pleasure as well as for information and have an extensive collection of fabulous new fiction and non-fiction books. The fiction books are all set out in Genre sections, allowing students easier access to their reading favourites. Loans are for one month and you can borrow as many as you like. Become part of our reading community and have lots of fun chats about literature with us.


We also offer online access via Compass to our Wheelers audio and ebook collection. The Wheelers platform is simple and easy to use.




The library also houses a printer that students can print and photocopy from and provides spaces for reading, silent study and group work.


Come to the Library and introduce yourself to the friendly staff. We can also help you troubleshoot minor IT problems, look up Compass for you and generally point you in the right direction if necessary. 


The Library is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4pm, including recess and lunch times.


Best wishes for the school year on behalf of the Library staff. We look forward to seeing you in the library soon!



Mrs Susan Hayward – Curriculum Resource Manager & Yearbook Editor

Mrs Miriam Evans - Library Technician




If you need help with Jacaranda, ClickView logins COME TO THE LIBRARY AND WE WILL HELP YOU.

Lunch time Clubs

Many of the College Interest Clubs run in the Library, including the Chess Club. Why not pop into the Library and enjoy a game or two?

Thank you to these students...


Students Naomi W. and Caitlin T. of Year 7 designed and created the display wall pictured above on our school values. They did a fantastic job, very creative!


Thank you to Year 7 students, Jackson C. and Marc T. for completing the massive job of relocating books in the compactus. You saved us so much time!