Student Wellbeing

Cyber Safety event
Kids, Nudes & the Internet
Cyber Safety for our children is vitally important. It is the one area that parents and carers can't always keep an eye on.
That is why Manningham Christian Centre is hosting the "Kids, Nudes & the Internet" event, presented by Caroline Ellen. Proudly sponsored by The Manningham Council’s Community Grant Program and will be vital to equip everyone who attends.
We understand that Cyber Safety is so important for our young people. Guest speaker, Caroline Ellen, is one of Australia's most trusted parent educators. With 15 years of experience, specializing in children and families, Caroline delivers, challenging information, but in a style that is relatable, reassuring, and safe.
This event is on Thursday, March 23rd @ 7:00pm
at Manningham Christian Centre - 143- 145 Parker Street, Templestowe
Cost: $15
(use the school code CareNet5 to get $5 off
Bookings can be made through: or scan the QR Code on the flyer.
Student Interest Clubs @ DSC
Want to connect with like-minded peers, make new friends, or just pursue your passion? Why not take part in a lunchtime or after school club! The Clubs currently running are:
Day | Club | Room |
Monday | Chess Club | Library |
KPop Club | Library | |
Tuesday | Art Club | B3 |
Book Club | Library | |
Languages Club | C13 | |
Lego Club (NEW!) | C13 | |
Wednesday | Crafternoon | C13 |
Anime | Library | |
Thursday | Music Jam | Music room |
Enviro Club | B2 | |
Homework Club (after school) | A Block | |
International Homework Club (after school) | IS Hub | |
Friday | Rainbow Collective LGBTQIA | C5 |
Games Club | W Block Upper | |
Badminton Club (3.30pm - 4.30pm) | Stadium |
Wellbeing Hub
Don't forget that The Hub (near the Canteen) is open every day at recess and lunchtime for drop-in and everyone is welcome.