7 & 8 

Assistant Principal 

Mr. Joshua Simpson 

From Wednesday the 1st of March to Friday the 3rd, our year 7 students embarked on the year 7 orientation camp. I had the pleasure of visiting the camp on Thursday. I was great to see the students taking the initiative and getting out of their comfort zone, engaging in exciting activities such as archery, bush hut building, billy cart racing and high ropes courses. Thank you to Nikki Richardson, Samantha Laird, David Cobb and Chris Spatharis and all those and Camp Toolangi their efforts in providing such a great opportunity for our students.


School Photos occurred Monday the 6th of March. Thank you for all the students who were prepared and cooperative on the say. Please keep an eye on compass for the catch-up day if your child had missed their photo being taken.


Our next major school event will be coming up on Monday the 14th of March, the Annual Discovery Evening. The Discovery Evening will run from 5pm – 8pm and display all the many incredible things that our school and staff offer at LSC. It will be an opportunity to new students and families to gain a glimpse at what students will be complete, participating in and achieving when they attend Lalor Secondary College, as well as ask any questions that may be wondered about the College. All families 


Please be aware NAPLAN will be occurring for our year 7 and year 9 students from Wednesday 15th of March and will conclude by Monday the 27th. Please refer to all communication forward by our college principal for further details. 

Congratulations to all that participated in the athletics carnival that occurred on Friday the 10th. As always, it is a fantastic day for all involved and it is great to see our students extend themselves and achieve.