Student Learning
Foundation students have been learning to match numbers 1 - 10 with the words and pictures.
During Art students enjoyed making cute Easter chicks.
This week we learnt the letter U and decorated umbrellas.
Year 1/2
Reading - The students have looked at the difference between Fiction and Non-Fictions books. Using their book boxes, they identified which category their books belonged in.
Writing - The 1/2s continue to work on their narrative. They have chosen their setting and created an interesting problem.
Maths - The students had lots of fun making their seasons posters. They ordered the seasons and placed the months alongside the correct season.
Sport - This week the students practiced their handball skills and kicked some impressive goals.
Year 3/4
Last week our students all worked hard completing their NAPLAN testing. At the end of the week the 3/4 students celebrated their hard work with hot chips, music, dancing and the conga line. Fun was had by all!
Year 5/6
Students have been working hard creating vocabulary posters. We have seen lots of wonderful work. Here are some examples of what students have created.
James and Issy have been practicing their spelling words.
56B students enjoyed their Art lesson and created some fantastic art work using oil pastels.