What's Happening
Term 1, 2023
Friday 24th March - Wear Orange Day for Harmony Week
Thursday 30th March - Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:30pm to 7pm
Thursday 6th April - End of Term 1 school finishes at 3:20pm
Friday 7th April - Good Friday Public Holiday
Term 2, 2023
Monday 24th April - First day of Term 2 - normal school day
Tuesday 25th April - ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Harmony Week - Out of Uniform Day
On Friday 24th March we are holding an out of uniform day in celebration of Harmony Week. Students are encouraged to wear an orange item such as an item of clothing or an accessory. There is no cost involved.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Term 1 Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday 30th March. All families are expected to attend these interviews. If this day does not suit please let your classroom teacher know and they will try to organise another time to meet with you.
Appointment times can be booked via Compass. If you have any trouble with this please contact the office and we can assist you to make the appointment time.